I am preparing to stand up in the House of Commons to speak to the issue of redistribution of seats in HOC. Do we really need 30 more members of parliament?
Justin, the main issue with the C-20 is not the number of seats but how the seats will be calculated. I do not like how they are calculating the seats using the so call Stats Can estimate program based on the 2006 population stats, especially since the 2011 census data will be released on Feb.8, 2012, only two months from now. Now I agree that there needs to be a change in Electorial system but this is not it. The idea of using ESTIMATES allows for tweaking and interpretation instead of hard fact like the actual census population number. Of what I read in the minutes at the committee meetings about this bill is that using the so call estimates program will increase seats in BC, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. I also understand that when they came up with these calculations they did not take into consideration the Territories. It is very fishy because many of these seats will be created in areas that there is a large Conservative support base. We also have to take into account that the Conservative Government made the Census Long Form voluntary instead of mandatory which at the time of that announcement, I thought to be very fishy. Then reading this bill it became clear why they did that. Sure, there are a few people that will always refuse to complete the census form but the overall majority of Canadians do. And the one thing we have been seeing over and over again is that the Conservative government is not interested in fact but in their own interests and that they definitely are not thinking of what would best benefit the people of Canada as a whole. As for 30 more seats...they are obviously promoting BIGGER GOVERNMENT! They say they are not. They have accused the opposition of doing so but they are. It is just another expense at the time when the global economy is weak and we will be affected by that. I support sticking to the unadjusted 2011 Census population number for now until a better and more reliable form of Electorial reform is available.
How would you replay to his question?
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